Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Heather Burdeyney 403-510-9519
Altar Linens - Catherine Pinckney 403-278-9988
Altar Servers - Tammy Subasic 403-899-4305
Art & Environment - Michelle Fraser 403-278-7556
Catholic Women's League - Anita Arduini 403-616-5416
Development & Peace - Carol Hollywood 403-218-5502
Eucharistic Ministers - Mike Subasic 403-689-4305
Finance Committee - Greg Rodych 403-271-4810
Funeral Lunch Committee - Linda Levesque 403-669-4858
Funeral Mass Music - Carolyn Lapthorne 403-281-5760
Funeral Mass Servers - Leslie Padula 403-278-6228
Hospitality Desk - Suzy Moutinho 403-256-5551
Knights of Columbus - George Sarsfield 403-278-7598 Knightride- George Sarsfield 403-278-7598 Ladies Bible Study - Donna Wallace 403-278-3817
Lectors - Julie Burghardt 403-660-7258 Legion of Mary - Sumi Mathew 587-438-6625
Men's Bible Study - Brian Trafford 403-278-9627
Mission Mexico - VACANT
Music - Ken Murdoch 403-681-7558
Parish Council Chair - Barbara Raleigh-Smith 587-777-5110
Pastoral Care - Teresa Batuyong 403-860-7787
R.C.I.A. - Gwen Fagnou - 403-278-6762
Refugee Committee - George Pinckney - 403-471-9858
Sacrament Preparation - Michelle Fraser - 403-278-7556
Sacristan - Parish Office 403-278-7556
Seniors 55+ - Donna Preston 403-256-6798
St. Anne's Mothers Group - Pavla D'Souza 587-888-2949
St. Vincent de Paul - John Horan 403-278-2506
Ushers -Agnello Paes - 403-690-2569
For more information please contact the Parish Office at 403-278-7556.